Tuesday, 29 November 2011

8 weeks and a bit

I woke up this morning feeling 10 times better then I have been lately. Yesterday I was plagued by a battering ram in my head all day until at 3:00, I finally gave into a nice nap. It's only the second nap I've been able to take, even though I've felt tired enough for one every single day for the past 4 weeks.

So, I feel very ordinary, as I read through the symptoms I should be having at each stage I seem to be following the very traditional route. Morning sickness, fatigue, restlessness at night, and I'm an emotional headcase.

Poor Byron has had to listen to me blubber away about absolutely nothing really. I'm pretty sure I cried yesterday because I didn't feel like eating!

I've been on a Ramen Noodle kick for the past couple of days around lunchtime, I've been trying to stick to healthy stuff, but my stomach always seems to have hunger pangs if I go even an hour without eating.

Fruit Loops have made their way back into my breakfast routine as I was just able to find them at the local grocery store. Although it would shock my family to know that I paid almost $10 for the box. You have to pay serious money here for American goods.

Egg Nog is on the menu! I've been really bummed about not being able to be in the States for Christmas AGAIN, but Byron seems to be supporting my Christmas crazy for the time being to help me cope, and he drove 20 minutes so I could get some egg nog.

I am constantly thankful for him as my husband because at times he may be infuriating, but above all he is always my best friend and I could not be happier to have him by my side.

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